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Cannes, France


PRIVATE SPACE: 120 m2 full renovation

This apartment in Cannes needed an architectural vision about space planning, interior materials, kitchen and bathroom fittings and the most importantly – a lighting solution. There were two challenges which had to be considered in the interior design: existing marvel floor tiles and having a low ceiling. The task was to find a solution on how these challenges can be tackled and turned out into a benefit for the whole interior expression.

By using suspended ceiling made from white matt Barrisol, combined on the borders with integrated indirect LED light, the solution was found, and the problem was solved successfully. The result is an innovative and sophisticated, but warm and cozy appearance. The walls colored in white and warm dark grey fit very well with beige patterned marvel. Lightness and freshness of the interior give comfortable feeling during the hot and shiny sunny days.


Tehtaankatu 24, 00140 Helsinki, Finland

+358 40 8427528

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